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Essential Oils & Natural Based Oils

Natural Based Fragrances

These fragrances contain a higher amount of natural ingredients than our Candle scents, but do contain synthetic ingredients as well. 15 ml bottles are $5.97 each (All Natural Based Fragrances) - Item Code 1200 (w/s available)
Scent Name Description Item # 100 ml 250 ml 500 ml Clarity Cedar Leaf, Cloverleaf, Bergamot, Rosemary, 61230 $19.35 $41.11 $77.39 Basil, Geranium $9.87 $24.67 $49.34 Ecstasy Bliss - Bergamot, Opoponax, Ylang, Citrus Oil, 61242 $26.73 $56.81 $106.93 & Geranium $14.24 $35.61 $71.22

Essential Oils

Amber bottle with dropper lid. *WE DO NOT ACCEPT REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES ON ESSENTIAL OILS* E = Expressed D = Distilled B = Blend O = Organic
Bergamot Italy E 5070 $4.83 $11.60 $13.29 $19.33 Birch Sweet UK D 5075 $3.05 $7.32 $8.39 $12.21 Camphorlyptus UK B 5940 $2.97 $7.13 $8.17 $11.89 Mint Cedarwood USA D 5175 $4.69 $11.25 $12.89 $18.74 Virginiana Cinnamon Leaf Sri Lanka D 5220 $4.09 $9.81 $11.24 $16.35 Clementine Italy E 5245 $2.45 $5.87 $6.73 $9.79 Clove Leaf Madagascar D 5250 $3.90 $9.36 $10.73 $15.60 Eucalyptus Australia D 5302 $3.34 $8.03 $9.20 $13.38 Radiata Frankincense India D 5320 $8.92 $21.40 $24.52 $35.66 Geranium Egypt D 5340 $9.04 $21.70 $24.86 $36.16 Egyptian
Origin Item # 10mls 30mls 50mls 100mls
Ginger India D 5350 $5.10 $12.23 $14.02 $20.39

Lavender Bulgaria D 5410 $3.79 $9.10 $10.42 $15.16

Lemon Italy E 5440 $3.97 $9.53 $10.92 $15.88 Lemongrass India D 5450 $3.36 $6.34 $10.41 $14.94 Orange & UK B 6250 $2.42 $5.81 $6.66 $9.68 Cinnamon Patchouli Indonesia D 5640 $8.17 $19.60 $22.46 $32.66 Peppermint India D 5650 $4.16 $9.98 $11.44 $16.63 Rosemary Spain D 5709 $4.89 $11.74 $13.45 $19.56 Spruce Austria D 5755 $3.15 $7.57 $8.67 $12.62 Basil Sweet France D 5033 $6.70 $16.09 $18.44 $26.82 Linalool O Sweet Orange Brazil E 5600 $2.90 $6.96 $7.98 $11.60 Tangerine Mexico E 5770 $3.01 $7.23 $8.28 $12.05 Tea Tree China D 5781 $5.48 $13.15 $15.07 $21.92
Copyright © 2023 Wicks & Wax

Essential Oils &

Natural Based Oils


Natural Based Fragrances

These fragrances contain a higher amount of natural ingredients than our Candle scents, but do contain synthetic ingredients as well. 15 ml bottles are $5.97 each (All Natural Based Fragrances) 15ml Item Code #1200
Scent Name Item # 100 ml 250 ml 500 ml Clarity 61230 $19.35 $41.11 $77.39 $9.87 $24.67 $49.34 Ecstasy 61242 $26.73 $56.81 $106.93 $14.24 $35.61 $71.22

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Copyright © 2025 Wicks & Wax
Scent Name Description Clarity Cedar Leaf, Cloverleaf, Bergamot,Rosemary, Basil, Geranium Ecstasy Bliss - Bergamot, Opoponax, Ylang, Citrus Oil,& Geranium

Essential Oils

Red text = out of stock
Bergamot 5070 $4.83 $11.60 $13.29 $19.33 Birch Sweet 5075 $3.05 $7.32 $8.39 $12.21 Camphorlyptus 5940 $2.97 $7.13 $8.17 $11.89 Mint Cedarwood 5175 $4.69 $11.25 $12.89 $18.74 Virginiana Cinnamon Leaf 5220 $4.09 $9.81 $11.24 $16.5 Clementine 5245 $2.45 $5.87 $6.73 $9.79 Clove Leaf 5250 $3.90 $9.36 $10.73 $15.60 Eucalyptus 5302 $3.34 $8.03 $9.20 $13.38 Radiata Frankincense 5320 $8.92 $21.40 $24.52 $35.66 Geranium 5340 $9.04 $21.70 $24.86 $36.16 Egyptian
Item # 10mls 30mls 50mls 100mls
Ginger India 5350 $5.10 $12.23 $14.02 $20.39

Lavender 5410 $3.79 $9.10 $10.42 $15.16

Eastern Europe Lemon 5440 $3.97 $9.53 $10.92 $15.88 Lemongrass 5450 $3.36 $6.34 $10.41 $14.94 Orange & 6250 $2.42 $5.81 $6.66 $9.68 Cinnamon Patchouli 5640 $8.17 $19.60 $22.46 $32.66 Peppermint India 5650 $4.16 $9.98 $11.44 $16.63 Rosemary 5709 $4.89 $11.74 $13.45 $19.56 Spruce 5755 $3.15 $7.57 $8.67 $12.62 Basil Sweet 5033 $6.70 $16.09 $18.44 $26.82 Linalool Sweet Orange 5600 $2.90 $6.96 $7.98 $11.60 Tangerine 5770 $3.01 $7.23 $8.28 $12.05 Tea Tree Chinese 5781 $5.48 $13.15 $15.07 $21.92